
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Group objects according to distance from a point.

I have a sequence of animation frames (about 100) in rhino that are make2d captures.  I have arranged these frames linearly from left to right according to their order in the animation.  My goal is to arrange these frames in a square grid and use the "shift list" tool to make them cycle through the square grid.  I would rather avoid having to assign a curve param to each frame because there are so many of them and I would like to add and subtract frames.  

My hope was to group the curves in each frame according to their distance from a point then move each one to point on the square grid.   Does anyone know how this could be accomplished.  

I've included an example that just assigns each frame to a curve param.  



Views: 1435


Replies to This Discussion

Hi David, just thinking out load here: since all the 2D captures are all of the same size, and spaced equally, you could make a grid 100 cells wide 1 cell high that would fit your captures. Than test which curves are in the cells, or rather just which start points, because you know that's when the whole curve is in the cell - in this case.

Peter, Thanks for the reply.  Could you tell me which tool I could use to test which start points are in the cells.  Thanks,


Thanks Pieter and Michael for your replies.  I have managed to group the center points of the curves of each corresponding animation frame but I haven't been able to use these groupings to move each frame.  I am pretty new to grasshopper and always run into a wall with these data tree problems.  Any advice would be appreciated.  




Hi David, I noticed some of the drawings were beyond the square borders. I also spaced them equally (and scaled the whole thing, for my convenience;))
Then, my grid cells turned to Domains, and I used a non native GH component from Human by Andrew Heumann. I didn't get to move them to the 2x2 grid: need sleep...







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