
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Alright so I have a persistent problem.


I have a 3 lists of curves  with an equal # of curves in each(lets say 10). So basically 3 paths w 10 curves. If I connect any (single) one of these paths to the join component and then iterates these curves through a move component(10 vectors) all is in order. Yet when I connect more than a single path the order of the generated curves as they are iterated through the move componenet seems to become arbitrary.  All the curves connect, meaning Im pretty sure the first curve in path a is connected to the first curve in path b and c, yet this new curve is now curve 5 for instance.


As suggested I have attached a graf tree component which now seperates these curves in different paths before attaching them to the join slider. The result though, as I connect the latter to the move component, is that the ten resultant curves are iteraed 10 times. So 100 curves altogether instead of 10...


Any help would be awesome...  Why does the join command destroy the order of the curves even when it seems to be fulfilling its (joning) function properly?



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This thread is a life saver, I am also finding that join curves is re-ordering the result making my life difficult!

Although the tree solution fixes the re-ordering problem it seems that join curves is inconsistant in choosing which curve is the first curve and this means that the start points for different curves is inconsistent, is the direction of the final curve.

I had to deal with a similar ordering problem. I first tagged each curve with an ID, then reoriented them based on the direction I wanted them to face (decompose start/end points and compare) then flipped the curves and merged the lists and reordered them according to their ID. It was a pain and a lot of work without anything "visible" to show for it. XD

I faced this initially for the same reasons, but then liked the result because then the input curves could be in any orientation. Most geometry imported from programs other than Rhino doesn't care about nor have a way to control curve direction. This def orients them towards -Y and includes a second "tag" that I am using later to handle arcs and lines differently. Ignore the notes in the definition as they only apply to the definition I pulled this from.

There may be an easier way to handle this than I am, but this works. The drawback is having to manage the tree path output and input often with Path Mappers.

I am having a similar problem, but unfortunately nothing fixes it. the bezier curves have the right order but as soon as i join them the order is altered. can someone help? 


I'm also finding peculiar behavior with the Join Curves component.

I'm using it to join two sets of lines together but if the resulting joined lines number fewer than 8 then their order is shifted down by one with the last joined line wrapping to the top of the list.

But when the joined lines number more than 8 then the shifting and wrapping behavior is not happening.

Very strange.







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