
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi I'm pretty new to Grasshopper and was wondering if anyone knows how to distribute an Object Ive made in grasshopper that uses Catenary curves over a surface?

The idea is basically distributing variations of the object over a surface.

Ive looked into using Circle packing as a method to do this but cant get any of the scripts Ive found to work with my object

Any help would be greatly appreciated

n.b Ive also attached the definition for the object I'm using

Views: 1574


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Hi Kyle,

Could you be a bit more precise on "an Object that uses Catenary curves over a surface"?

Where are the surface and object you mentioned?

By the way, I can see you are using the Giulio Piacentino's Catenary component.

Now there is a grasshopper native catenary component. Your definition could look a bit shorter, like this:


Thanks for the definition, made the model alot easier to work with, also Ive attached the definition for the object in the first post but will upload the rhino model of the object...the surface isnt that important to me at this point so anything basic is fine


I still do not understand you. What are you trying to do with this .3dm model?

Morph it onto a surface?


Djorde congrats you already have +1000 discussions! :)


Gracias Jesus :)

Congrats indeed...

that image is basically what im trying to do thanks

I would be very thankful if you could upload your .3dm files in the Rhino 4 format - in case some other problem emerges.

Thanks again for the help and am uploading the Rhino 4 model in this post


sorry to bother you again, but my tutor wants me to look at circle packing so was wondering if there is a way to do what this video shows using the model above...been trying to replicate it but unfortunately haven't been successful

also cannot thank you enough for that definition

Take a look into the Paneling Tools plugin for Grasshopper. Even if you are a novice with grasshopper it lets you do some pretty cool stuff quite easily. 






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