
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

problems with my notebook since having gh and rhino

First of all, I would appreciate it, if someone can read chinese :D

The problem is this:

When I shut down, it doesn't want to shut down! ...

It keeps on untill I do it manually! ...

Now I know it is a forum for gh technical questions, but I haven't got this problem untill I had rhino and gh ... my laptop is a bit old too ... 

If anybody has gone through this before or if anybody has a nice advice, I'd appreciate it ... Thank you very much in advance ...

Views: 533

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Ahmed

It looks like a hardware problem. Installing Rhino was just a coincidence. Just to make sure it is not rhino related try to manually close all running McNeel applications (Rhino sessions + automatic updates) and then check again if blue screen appears.

Good luck


This is a common problem which is caused by posting too much on help forums.

Naaa I'm just kidding. :).

The Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) is mostly hardware related. I suspect the age of your laptop is a huge factor here.

BSOD on shutdown will not be an uncommon problem. click the link to find some solutions

Most often blue screens are because of video card issues. Either your driver is not handling things well or someone is using OpenGL incorrectly.

Blue screens are pretty rare for Rhino and Grasshopper.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

My laptop is as old as the pyramides

BSOD ... wow! :D ... Thank you man :)

when it happens to me I usually do three things, in order, until one works.

1.check for driver updates install windows

3.upgrade hardware :)

thank you :)






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