
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I would like to create somekind of walkingpath in an architectural environment. Let´s say a museum with different floors, stairs and ramps. All these geometries are created in GH and I would like to create variations of paths of visitors.

The museum has defined points of interest and each visitor choose randomly which poi is visited. And maybe I can implement some kind of distraction to create a more realistic path.

Any ideas how to work on that?

I appreciate any inspiration...


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Following this discussion I have downloaded Spiderweb and also started to read the various entries on Graphs.  This is a wonderful plugin.  I do have one question and that concerns the CBP output on the ShortestPathGraph as Tree. This seems to output either 0 or 2 and 2 seems to be the output of interest but what exactly is coming out of this?

Thanks for advice,

Hallo Robin,

The CBP output is a list of values which are synchron with the Line output of the Node. So if a Line has the value of two it was twice part of the shortest path between all SP-starting points.

So when having two SP it is once part of the shortest path between A and B and once part of the shortest path between B and A.



Thanks so much, this makes complete sense.


Hi Richard,

thanks for this sample. It works nice for a shortest path between two points, but if I extend it with more waypoints the result isn´t really predictable. 

In some cases (3 waypoints) a closed network is created, but mostly it doesn´t work (more than 3 waypoints).

Even rising the connecting distance results in strange solutions.

any suggestions?

Please refer to the command given to Robin above...

An updated sample...


This is still the problem in your sample. Although there is a network, the path isn´t created to all waypoints.


Well it looks like you are still using the equals too (2) comparison with a cull pattern. There its the problem, since you have more than two waypoints. Try to set the comparison to 0 and than use the not equals too pattern as culling pattern. As explained in the post to Robin the CBP outputs how often a line was part of the shortest path between the different starting points.


Ahh, now I got the point. Thanks.





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