
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to recreate a paneled facade.  I am very new to grasshopper so I don't know how I could achieve this.  The facade is a series of panels that bulge out on one side of the building, overlapping the next vertical line of panels that follow.  Any suggestions? Below are a few image links.  All types of help is welcome and appreciated. Thank you

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check this out, should give you a idea how to start.



Hey thanks ill check it out and let you know.  I was getting wrapped up in a mesh definition and eventually reached a dead end where I was trying to turn edges from a mesh into surfaces using an edge surface component. 

yeah that sounds a bit more complex than just solving it via paneling, let me know if the video helps...

Hey it is helping...but im sort of stuck now.  Im trying to get the thin rectangular panels to rise up a little bit to the over lap is more pronounced. The lofted surface im working with is random just to practice on.  Any suggestions? Here is my gh and rhino file. Thank you


sorry i guess im missing out on some plugins. your def doesnt work on my system. but if your just concerned with the overlap try using a custom reference box instead of a boundingbox, so you can let the panel overlap the referencebox.

try this example, all breps are internalised. if you want to be able to manipulate them, you have to bake them and reference them again.







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