
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

NOTE: This post is out-dated. Please visit the newer post which features source for the new icon style.


Dear 3rd Party Component developers,

we at the Grasshopper® development team (hereafter GDT) are thrilled by your enthusiasm to develop custom components and widen the base of the Grasshopper platform. We feel it is important your products become an integral part of Grasshopper, and are therefore shocked... shocked and appalled at the quality of icons we've seen so far (yes, Jon, that means you).
In order to facilitate this process, the GDT (unanimously) agreed to make the source for all the original icon images available online. They have been attached to this post for the time being, but we hope to centralize all developer resources someday soon.
You are free to copy and modify these graphics in any way you see fit. They come free of copyright and copyleft restrictions.
You'll need XaraX to open these files (a free 30-day evaluation is available, but it's cheap and really quite good, the GDT highly recommends it for any sort of vector-based computer graphics development).
Also note that almost all icons used in Grasshopper have a drop-shadow applied to them (2 pixel blur, 1 pixel offset towards the right and bottom, 50% opacity). This typically means you should refrain from drawing anything in the 2 outermost pixel columns/rows, otherwise the shadow will visually intersect with the icon edge.

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this is so funny! i guess i have to up my icon making skills!
Nice solution :) Someone ask me two days ago about what is better "good design" or "quality information"...indeed both.

while on the topic can the icon be changed to 32x32, they would read better on the component when you have "view icons" on
Hi Robert,

that would require you to make two icons for every component, as you cannot scale icons without losing crispness. Also, drawing icons is actually pretty computationally expensive, so the larger the icons the slower the redraw.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Yeah, it's not like those two are in any way mutually exclusive. It's probably somewhat biased towards good design for beginners and towards quality information for intermediate+expert users.

Which is better, dying from chicken pox or small pox?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,
Thanks for posting these. I was wondering if it might be possible for you to export them to an Adobe Illustrator file as well. I downloaded the trial version of Xara... but since I don't have the Pro version... it doesn't seem like I can edit many of the files. So, I tried exporting the files to an .AI file (which seems to be doable) and it worked reasonably well on the first try (I exported the Icons_Vector file)... but then I tried to proceed to the other groups of icons and had a lot of problems. It kept throwing an error every time I tried to export the files. And Illustrator wouldn't recognize the corrupted files (although it did open the Vector file fine). Anyway, since you have the Pro version, would you mind exporting the files as an Illustrator file too? Thanks again.
Really? I would have thought only the features in Pro would be missing, and I'm not using any of them to my knowledge. Xara's file format is pretty sleek and flexible, they manage a surprising degree of forward and backward compatibility.

Is there a message that shows up when opening these files?

Yes, you could export them to *.ai, but a lot of elements will be either missing or different. Transparency types, fill profiles.. you name it. There's loads of feates in XaraX that are not supported in Illustrator and vice versa.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
I thought you might mean me ;-(

Thanks for the resource, maybe you can give me some tutoring in May.....
I literally just went through the gallery and picked the first uploader who posted a screenshot of custom components. It was nothing more informed than that.

My personal opinion (which may or may not differ from the GDT) is that you're not doing any worse than anybody else :)

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

Come ON! Thats a totally inspired work of...ok, kind of sort of really ripped off the t-wolves on this one...Definite point taken!
Well, I'd like to give public credit to To] (Tom) of [UTO] for his assistance so far in a fantastic facelift for the Geometry Gym Component icons. They are a brilliant improvement on my previous efforts (and the analysis programs I ripped them from), and so far the response from users has been great. Further comments and suggestions welcome.

This is the first evidence of a collaboration to get the best out of the [UTO] and Geometry Gym grasshopper plug-ins.
Hi Jon, the icons look great! Your tools are so helpful and inspiring an now they look great as well... Wieland






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