
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, everyone!

Does anyone know how to extend slope rooftop to the ground (XY Plane)?

Views: 2864

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see here

Yeah, thanks man!

This is what I gather from the information you provided


thank you for your effort!

Unfortunately, don't know why, but it extends the surface just a little bit not down to ground plane.

I have attached Rhino file and some more information into the answer to David's questions.

Sorry, cant open rhino 5. In mine the surface is exactly at ground plane.

Michael, here is the Rhino 4 file


What does the shape look like? Is it a planar roof? In what directions should the extension occur? Obviously if you extend a plane into all direction until it intersect the ground plane you end up with a half-plane (semi-infinite).


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hello, David!

See attached Rhino file. The purple surface is the roof, but blue curve - how I would like it to extend.

The idea under all this is to generate rafters which would be perpendicular (brep with flat faces) to roof, which is slope in more than one direction. To do that I have to generate these rafters perpendicular to extended surface's ground edge.







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