
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm making a surface by calling "CreateEdgeSurface(crvs)", with a list of 4 edges.

That works fine, but I cannot reliably control along which edges the first, respectively the second parameter of the resulting domain lie. Which I need to be able to control, in order to create points on the surface using the U,V coordinates.

Changing the order in which the curves are in the list does sometimes have some effect, but I can't find any logic to it.

Can anyone explain how "CreateEdgeSurface" decides which edges are the U- and which the V-direction of the resulting surface?

thanks, Jack Bakker

Views: 223

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Hi Jack,

The order matters, and the direction of the curve. Important is only the first curve you provide. The starting point of that curve will be U0 and V0 the end U1 V0 and the rest is clear ;-)

I've attached a simple example which shows the setup.

Cheers FF


Thanks Florian,

Very obvious once you know...;-) I thought I had checked curve directions, but must have overlooked something.







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