
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I've tried to setup GH to load GHA assemblies from network locations (even with the memory load option checked), but somehow it's always failed on me. I am now beginning to wonder if this is possible at all.

In terms of practical use, and why I am trying something so eccentric anyway, it would make sense to compile my assemblies to one location, and having other users on my network load the stuff from there, so every time I change code, update things, or add new components, I don't have to manually chase people to copy new assemblies into their local locations.

This would immensely help in scenarios where a bunch of coders supply geeky stuff to a large mass of GH users, and then update that stuff/add new components on a regular basis.

Anyone got a workaround to this?

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From past experience, Microsoft doesn't look favourably on loading libraries from network drives. I never worked out how to let it through the security protecting me.

I'd look at group policy or similar to bulk update rhino, grasshopper, plug-ins etc which is what I'd set up before leaving to work for myself. For me this included making a msi (installer).
But making an installer would still require the user to manually install the update, wouldn't it?

It's unreasonably difficult considering how easy it is to make a Rhino toolbar that loads RVBs off a network, or for that matter Maya to load MELs from a network location by just clicking icons on the interface. That stuff is just plain hassle free... but given the fact that these are DLLs, while those are mere text files, Microsoft's concern about security is understandable.

But atleast there should be a manual override for trusted sources or something to that effect. Perhaps David, or someone @ McNeel could have a more definitive answer..?
I not a network administrator so I'm not an expert. But I know enough to be dangerous. Group Policy allows you to push msi files automatically onto work stations at login. So updates can automatically happen then.

I'm all ears about ways to enable this, so hope someone can help. But I did search a while and put it to our contract IT support with no luck.
If I am not mistaken, Weaverbird uses a small webserver to communicate available updates. The other day I was working with it and I got a window telling me a new version was available. I clicked the button and it took me to the update. Sure, I still had to do some manual install, but at least I knew the update was available.
I noticed that too.. it's quite neat actually, though I have a feeling WB triggers a service somewhere that does this.

But creating an installer is something I'm a bit wary of, due to lack of prior knowledge of how to do that, handling registries, also and update checking service, plus all the admin rights issues when installing stuff.. GH does install without admin rights though, but I'm not sure how does one do that.. figuring out all that would be quite a leap for me at this point.

I was just hoping for a simple fix to network load assemblies. Anyhow, since that is disabled by Windows, I guess I'm just out of luck for now :|
Hi Suryansh,

you could write a small plug-in (or script) that copies all gha's from a location on the network to a local user folder when Rhino starts. Or it might be a Rhino command, shell script, etc that does that when the user chooses to. Then you could just use the normal _GrasshopperDeveloperSettings command to setup Grasshopper to load that folder, too.

This way all your plug-ins will be updated. Does it sound like a feasible method?

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
Wow.. That looks like a really simple solution to what was starting to appear to be a really mammoth task.

Thanks man, that's a really nice trick!






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