
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello All, I have just downloaded and installed slingshot along with the accompanying MySQL database, MySQL Connector, and .Net Setup.  I first attempted a simple excel read I have run an identical script in both Rhino 4 and Rhino 5 it returns cell values in Rhino 4 (32-Bit) however in Rhino 5 (64-Bit) I get:

System.InvalidOperationException: The 'Microsoft.ACE.0LEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.

From what I can tell this seems to an issue caused by Rhino 5 being a 64 bit program.  

Is there a different version of the dotNet Framework I should install to fix this or has slingshot just not caught up to Rhino 5?

Attached are two images of the same code in both versions of Rhino showing the error message.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Views: 1064


Replies to This Discussion

To be honest, Slingshot is in need of some love lately so there might be problems with Rhino 5.  Could you verify that you are using the latest version?

You should be using version 0.882 which will come with the appropriate *.dlls which need to be placed in the same folder as the *.ghas.


Thanks for the quick reply.

It turns out I was not running .822 I had a previous version.

However, when I did update to the new version with the .dll files included in the component directory I still am seeing the same problem.

I followed your instillation tutorial here:

except for allowing remote root access

That tutorial is what directed me to the old version Slingshot so is it possible that I also need a more current version of MySQL, the connector or the dotNet framework?

Thanks again,


Hmm...  Looking at it again, it looks like your problem is with the use of OLEDB to connect to Excel which is not dependent on MySQL or the other DLLs that come with Slingshot.

You might be right about there being some weird 64-bit problem as it pertains to the OLEDB component... Microsoft.ACE.0LEDB.12.0

I'll look a little deeper at this when I have the chance.



Thanks for all your help.

I look forward to hearing back from you.







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