
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

A skin can open and close according to the humidity change

Hi all!

I´m trying to do a pavilion that each window on it can open and close  according to the

change of humidity. Is there any precedent?  How can I do it ?Please help me.

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I know Varsari allows you to place your building with geo coordinate locations and extract precise sun angle and temp data as excel files similar to ecotect.  The surface of the building needs to be subdivided and each subsurface or "panel" is assigned a value from the sun angle/temp, ect.  This excel file can then be imported as a live link into grasshopper and reassigned to the panel list to generate individual responses.  I'm not sure about humidity.  Maybe this can be interpolated from the temperature and altitude of the site.  Hope this helps.  Here is a good theoretical reference.

Thanks for help!It is one of my course works,the purpose is to make a pavilion that  can close automatically if it rains outside.At the very beginning,I thought rain might related to the humidity values but it seems to be wrong.So what sort of factors I can choose to control it ?Or if foget the rain, what can I do with the humidity?

Hi Mat,

Humidity analysis lies in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics. At the moment Rhino can not deal with CFD. It sort of can, but not in this area you are looking for.
This means you will have to do an analysis in some other software package like FloEFD. Set points on particular places inside your analysis domain, and get (relative) humidity values for each point. Export those point coordinates and humidity values % into an excel file. Then reimport the Excel file into Grasshopper.

For the grasshopper part of your project, you need a "Rotate" component where angle of rotation will correspond to the value you got from the excel humidity file.

Hi djordje,

Thanks for help!The purpose of my work is to make a pavilion that  can close automatically if it rains outside.At the very beginning,I thought rain might related to the humidity values but it seems to be wrong.I need some theoretical referances or precedents to support it,to find a new way

Is the humidity you're measuring inside each room of the building or outside?

Hi ,Chris

The purpose of my work is to make a pavilion that  can close automatically if it rains outside.But I find it seems to be wrong that rain is not just decided by the humidity.So could you give me some other suggestions.

To determine if it's raining, you might use one or more moisture sensors connected to actuators that open and close your windows. A moisture sensor often works with an open circuit that can be completed in the presence of moisture (actually run a current over a wet medium).






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