
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Has the old remote control window - gone out of the window...?

I have on many occassions wanted to control several parmeters whilst looking at different parts of a definition. Is there something I can use to adjust multiple parameters, whilst looking at constituant parts of my defintion? or is it logic in the canvas layout that I am missing out on and should be aware of? 

I would appreciate some guidance or maybe some information on the re-introdcution of a control panel into GH.

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This is neat - but I am after a panel of controllers... like the old remote control? This would mean I could move around the GH Canvas altering parameters whilst observing how different parts of a definition work - or dont with one another.

Hi Jonathan,

the old RCP is out the window, a new one will be added before GH 1.0 goes into Beta (we're still in WIP at the moment)


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thats exactly what this does.






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