
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the grasshopper world and was wondering what would be some suggestions on different ways of modeling the swoosh pavilion by AA. I've attached some images if anyone doesn't know the structure. Any advice would be great. 



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Hi, Johnny,

I had modeled one using Gh more than one year ago ,and it's a V0.5.0056 def . If you would like to see it ,I can post it here some hours later (now I have to go to bed) .
Hi Alpha,

That would be really helpful if you could post it up, thank you so much. Sounds like you've had a typical rough night haha.

looking forward to hearing from you,

Hi Johnny, I attach the def .

You would never try to open it with GH v0.7.x , but GH 0.5.0059 and 0.6 would be fine .For GH v0.5 doesnot have data tree ,so the logic using of GH in the def maybe not valuable ,but the modeling logic maybe still useful .
I am probably sure you and me could rebuild the def with GH 0.6/0.7 ,I just too busy/lazy to do this work.
Hey alpha,

thank you for uploading that. i'll have a play around with it and see how i go.

if anyone else still has some tips on how to go about this structure, any advice would be great.

thank you, johnny

Hi Kiss , The def is made with one very old version GH(GH 0.5 ). For GH has been changed too much so I donot suggset you start at that old def . Instead, I will show you the my logic to rebulid the pavalion with one picture .Hope the attached picture below helps :

Sorry for the description was in Chinese . If you have any question ,please let me know .

Hello, we are making this model in Grasshopper also.

The first difficulty we meet is that how to make the plan?


We also need a Gasshopper model of the Swoosh  Pavilion

i will realy appreciate it if anyone can post it here..


hello Alpha 222 can you send me to smoosh pavilion ? I want to try but I do not know how?






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