
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

An other simple exercise that I do need some help to figure out. This is the right triangle controlled by two angles from a half circle. The idea is to control two angles fully determines a triangle if its base is known. 

I figured out how to draw a right angle within a circle but I have no idea how to transfer the angle i need to construct the triangle outside it. Hope someone can help me to figure this out! Cheers

Views: 781


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Hi Ivan,

Try this:


Hey thanks, I can tell you are pretty advanced. May I ask you one thing? How do start learning grasshopper yourself? I been trying to self learn the software so been collecting bits and pieces of information I can find. Cheers Bro

Hi Ivan,

I am not an advanced user, but thank you for your kind words.
From my own opinion the best way to start is by reading the Grasshopper primer. You can download it from here.

Afterwards, maybe you can try doing some of the video tutorials from this page:

There are few books on the same page too.

In the end it all comes up to free time and starting to think a bit differently (if you are an architect or designer).






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