
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

i'm just working with grasshopper for a couple of weeks and until now i was able to solve my problems. But now i found the galapagos tool. It would be realy important that it works but i've got no idea anymore.

I don't know how to explain the fitness pararmeter. I want it to get select all pipes/lines that connect at least to an other pipe in there starting or endpoint.

I was searching the whole internet but found no solution.

Would be great if you could help me.

so heres the script.

Views: 677


Replies to This Discussion

I do not know how to do this with Galapagos, but there is a way of doing it without it:

I can not open your files, but this is the principle.
Just plug in your curves into the "curve" parameter, grouped in the red block.
You can freely delete anything outside the purple group block.


Hi Manu,

not all problems can be solved using Galapagos. What Galapagos does is adjust a bunch of sliders in order to maximize (or minimize, if you want) a certain number. That number is what is referred to as the fitness. Fitness is whatever you want it to be, which is another way of saying that you are responsible for defining it. 

I wrote some blog-posts about this, it may help a bit:


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

I found a way to solve it different.
But however, i want galapagos to run,because i want to get the best solution for the system.
I havent seen an example for galapagos until now, so i dont realy know how to tell the number of fitness and so on..






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