
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Curves with zero length cause trouble because downstream components using them cannot work.

I tried to weed them out with "Replace Nulls" (in my case I can replace them by tiny lines) or "Clean Tree", but it doesn't work : curves with zero length are not considered as "Null" values.

It looks like I'm going to make a big spaghetti plate to build a workaround :(

Wouldn't it make sense that those curves with zero length be "Null" values ?




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Hi Olivier,

Maybe you can try to Cull all curves based on their length.
For example, you can cull all curves, smaller than: 0.001:

You can replace "0.001" with what ever value you want. Maybe even "0" will work.


Hi Djordje,

Thanks for your help.

The thing is that I can't just ignore the line, even if the length is zero because it is going to ruin the definition downstream.

I need to replace it with a very short line, so I need to retrieve the index of the zero length line, and make the replacement.

Not too used to fiddle with those "Set" components ; sometimes it seems that doing something apparently simple ends up in a whole pearl necklace of components...

Maybe this will help?


Thanks Djordje,

It can't really work for zero length curves because you can't scale them,

but your definition makes me understand how I can do, using "Replace list".









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