
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I was hoping somebody could help me. I'm using a random generator to generate a number between 0 and 14. It all works fine but I want to be able to regenerate a random number without disconnecting and reconnecting the wires. Is there a way I could use a button to re-run the random number generation process so I get a different output??


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what about just changing the seed value?

Thanks for the quick response Michael.

I tried this, however, depending on what I change the seed value to the random number generated isn't actually random. For example whenever the seed value is set to 1 then the outputted random number will be 3 and if the seed is 0 then the number will be 10...when I change the seed back to 1 then I'll get 3 again.

Do you know if there is a way to re-run the whole script so that a completely different nd random number is generated each time?

Please test seed of random engine...

Yes, makes sure to not duplicate seed numbers. Pseudo Random numbers are whats is used in GH so that results are repeatable. So the only way is via seed value.

awesome, I read up a little on seed values and understand it now. Thanks for your help guys






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