
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

It seems that for Grasshopper, all Rhino input objects are "the same", meaning that HG doesn't care about layer, color, nor any other such property.

In the definition I am trying to make, I would like to select a bunch of curves, and depending on which layer these curves are, GH would process them in a specific way.

I know I can do that manually by selecting all the curves in one layer and assign them to a specific curve component, and do this as many times as needed, but that's no fun.

I suppose this can be done with VBscript, but that's out of my reach.

Has anyone already developped such a script for GH ?




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Hi Olivier,

Take a look at this topic. Instead of nodes, you can use any other grasshopper geometry.
You can also input colors besides the layer names too.

Also have a look at Geometry Pipeline, it has ways to import and group geometry based on layer and name.

Objects in 3dm files are made up of two parts (well, that's a lie, but close enough for this discussion); geometry and attributes. Geometry is just the pure shape, attributes contain stuff like grouping, layer data, colour, line types, object names, mesh settings overrides, in what viewports the object is and isn't visible and so on and so forth. Grasshopper only works on geometry, it has no mechanism (at present) to retain attributes.

There are however ways in which things like name and layer and colour can be retrieved afterwards in certain cases, but this will involve custom components (like djordje linked to) or custom VB/C#/Python scripting.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Geometry pipeline...

I am smothered in pure awe jelly and glee peanut butter.

Even better than what I was wishing for.

Congrats for the Acadia award by the way !









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