
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Join us in congratulating David Rutten who won a ACADIA 2012 "Innovative Research Award" on Saturday night in San Francisco. Over 400 enthusiastic ACADIA Awards Dinner attendees cheered as David's Acceptance Speech was projected in the nave of the CCA / California College of the Arts. Congrats David!!!

Quoting the Press Release:

The selection of David Rutten for the award in Innovative Research recognizes his profound impact to architecture and computation as the developer of the Logical Modeling plug-in, Grasshopper, for the Rhinoceros 3D CAD application. Grasshopper has been pivotal to the transformation of parametric design practices over the past five-plus years.

The Grasshopper environment is notable for empowering its users to generate behaviors and associations in digital models without the need to know conventional scripting techniques. Through the creation of this program, as well as Galapagos, he has made parametric design and system optimization easily accessible, and usable, to thousands of academics and practitioners. Mr. Rutten is known among his peers for being remarkably generous with his time. He provides continuous assistance to Grasshopper users through his tireless involvement on the Grasshopper blog and has remained actively supportive of the ACADIA community for many years.

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Congrats David. On top of being an invaluable tool, Grasshopper has been a gateway to the fascinating world of "0"s and "1"s for many of us. 

while (David.IsWorking()) {

Congratulation well deserved -

Your software (and all of the amazing people who contribute to this community/tool daily) have changed my life for real. I am starting to make things that I never would have thought possible with my prior skillset. I am able to think about all kinds of wonderful mathematical and design concepts that I never even knew existed. Mesh dual, hooke's law, PQ mesh's - I mean I didn't know what these things were before this tool. I may have used them but I never thought about them in a substantial way. It was all just superficial use before GH. I've been using 3d modeling software for 20 years and was more than a competent user but I never realized how important the math and logic behind something like a nurbs curve was to furthering my design possibilities and my on-screen engagement with what I was making. You made all of these things transparent and accessible and it has made my life richer and I am getting engaged with all these new options. I can do and make so much because of you. I know it sounds crazy but it is such an amazing tool. It is going to allow us to change the look of the world. Again - so much thanks

Congratulation David, well deserved indeed!!!


This Award is a tribute to your work, but your influence to the whole field of parametric modelling and architecture is much more than this.

You are a pioneer.

All the best and many thanks!!!


Congrats David! many thanks for what you give every day to us. Grasshopper really changed the life of many people.

Thank you thank you THANK YOU David!

Congrads David.

Well deserved !

Hey you deserve it no doubt! GH is a real cultural step ahead I think. Plus I made a few bucks thanks to you ;))

I'm proud of teaching your software here and there. I know there's a big hole in the member map around France, but I'm working on it!

Congratulations David.

The Movie is very David Rutten!

Couldn't be better.

Well deserved! Thanks again for this fantastic tool. I really doubt I would be working in field/position i am in without it.






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