
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello, I'm looking a link for download jellyfish, manual%tutorial, thanks to help.

Best regards,

Renaud Ganière

Views: 1772

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You can get to all third party add-ons from the Download menu at the top of this page. Hover over the link and two options will appear. Click on Add-ons. This will take you to a list of add-ons for Grasshopper. Jellyfish is right at the bottom.


Hello Danny,

I cannot find Jellyfish in the list, maybe because it has been a while...

Do you know if it is still available? Where can i find it?

Thank you.



i think it's a browser issue. In both Firefox and IE, the list of add-ons is cropped in the middle of "Maya Particle importer for grasshopper"

mmm so what do you suggest, i am ussing google chrome actually!

thank oyu jonah!

Michael, that website is fantastic! I will be using that for some of my students.







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