
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

The second edition of the "Essential Mathematics for Computational Design" is now available with free download from:

Essential Mathematics uses Grasshopper to introduce design professionals to foundation mathematical concepts that are necessary for effective development of computational methods for 3D modeling and computer graphics.

This second edition includes a few new sections, but most importantly it carefully reviews the material to ensure clarity and consistency of all concepts. This edition also includes 31 Grasshopper samples in a separate file (EssentialSamples.ghx).

Please Enjoy!

Rajaa Issa
Robert McNeel & Associates

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Nice done :) Thanx Rajaa!! The queen of code at Mcneel :D
Thank you. It is welcome!!
you make life too easy !!! excellent stuff, thanks a lot.
Hey, it is cool!
But maybe it will be also useful to explain the role of complex numbers, their geometrical meaning
Hi Philipp

Do you need it in your work, or you are mainly curious about it?
I will consider adding in future editions. Thanks for the feedback.

Hi Rajaa

To make transformations in space, complex numbers let you simplify steps between a complex transformation and original geometry.

I'm reading a great book that teach something about it: Visual Complex Analysis. Tristan Needham.

I think that it could be really usefull for architects or desingners.


Angel Linares.
Sevilla, Spain.
Hi Angel,
Thanks for the reference. I'll check it out and see if this subject is relevant in the context of what designers do.

Hey Rajaa,
Would I need to have knowledge of the first addition in order to understand this one?
thank you

Hi Juan_P
Not at all. Start with the second edition. It has everything that is in the first and more. More importantly, it has all the samples included as Grasshopper file.

No, i just curious about it?
I jyst wondering couse there are so much complex components in ghp and i have no idea for what to use them :-)
Thank you. An great introduction.
Thanks Rajaa! I now know how matrices are used in transformations. You made it very clear and understandable.

All of the instructional materials have been really helpful, especially in understanding curve continuity and vectors, but there is one topic that I often struggle with: topology. I would love to see more explanation about how the different faces of a BRep are associated with one another, how to define interiority or exteriority, how holes are defined within a region, how a collection of interconnected line segments is ordered by a join command, etc. I constantly run into topology-related issues in my recent grasshopper work, and spend a lot of time trying to build filters to sort out and rebuild bad topological outcomes. If you ever could include more details about this topic I would be very grateful.

Thanks for all your work!






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