
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on better ways to get smoother meshes or NURBS when manipulating breps via curves. I have also used smoothing and catmall but this seems to make a smoother jaggedness rather than riding it. Please share your techniques. Thanks.

See images below of the jaggedness I wand to avoid specifically at the peaks and valleys of the topology. Attached is definition + rhino.

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You got some mesh edges perpendicular to what should be a sharp edge in the geometry.

Either you model it so that all mesh edges over the sharp edge are parallel it or you have to increase the mesh resolution to an acceptable level. Smoothing the mesh will reduce the ridges but will also reduce the sharpness of these edges.

If the original shape is a sphere you could try using the mesh of a geodesic dome, where all the faces and angles are of similar size.

Nice idea with the geodesic dome. Will give it a try. Thanks

 Splitting your mesh along your curves would help sharpen the valleys. (see attached def)

The ridges are a bit trickier though, as you don't have their location explicitly ( I guess they're probably along the medial axis of the curves on the sphere )

Actually there are possible extensions of the type of remeshing I've just been working on to sharp feature preservation. It will be a while before this is implemented and available though, so maybe not so useful to you in the short term.


Thanks Daniel, I saw your remesh which I think is a very important part in modeling. This issue is something I have been wondering for awhile with curves. But all solutions I think of have similar jagged results.






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