
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


Is it possible to divide the surface constant? The points at the end of the surface are focused to the middle. I want them seperated constant like in the "first row".

Views: 1878

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You can extract an isocurve and then divide the isocurve into equal segments. But note that it is not always possible to divide a free-form surface into exact rectangles.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

You can try using the Kangaroo plugin to space out the surface subdivision out as much as possible.

Thanks for the help. But I have another Problem.

I took 3 curves of the surface (made out of a Nurb) and divided them into equal number of points, but it's much work if it's a longer surface and you must use more than 3 curves. So I extracted ioscurves, divided them into equal segments and made Curves out of it (with one tool). But I can't Loft these Curves. How is it possible without generating each curve separately?

ok I found out, that i just need to flatten the Curves.






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