
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I have a surface that I trimmed out of a larger surface.  The original was created by extruding a set of planer curves, exploding it into surfaces and then trimming out the portion of this particular face that I wanted.

Next I am trying to create a matrix of points on the face of that trimmed surface.  But the uv domain of the trimmed surface seems to be the original, untrimmed one.  The attached Grasshopper gives two examples of where this is leading me astray, in one case I generate the control points for the surface and they clearly are the control points for the original.  In the second case I generate the matrix which should have 10 rows and 10 columns of points.  But only three columns show because the other points are generated off the edges of the trimmed regions.

So my question is, how do I get my surface to reduce down to the trimmed area???  How do I eliminate the ghost of the original surface??


     - Brian -

Views: 6271

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In Rhino use the ShrinkTrimmedSrf command.

Since you trimmed the surface using isocurves this command will convert your surface into an untrimmed surface with no ghost areas. If you had other trim loops, it would have shrank the hidden areas to a minimum.

Is there no way of achieving said result within GH without resolving to scripting?

I don't think there's a component to shrink trimmed surfaces, but scripting it is very easy.

Just use these two lines of code in a VB component. Connect the trimmed surface as a brep in the x input:

a = x

can u please upload an example?






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