
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi guys,

I have been trying to map a rectangular grid onto a triangular surface but i get a flipped surface (please see image).

Would you have any idea why this is happening?

many thanks,


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Hi Arthur,
please see if the Three Musketeers method helps (attached).

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
Thank you very much Giulio,
i have tried the definition but i still cannot input several triangles with it it seems.
Would you know how i could do that:
Hi Arthur,

please have a look at this definition. It's comparable to the previous one, except it makes use of trees to keep the lists in the right order for many surfaces. The brep faces must be untrimmed.
Hope it helps,

- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona

Thanks a lot Giulio! it's brilliant once again :)
I'm still a bit confused as to when to use a path mapper...
hey guys,
i tried applying this definition.. i am not able to make an untrimmed surface.. as i had polylines and applied planar surface, after reparameterizing it, it gives me trimmed surface..what shall i do in this case?

Hi Tushar,

examples of untrimmed surface components are: "4Point Surface", surface from points.

Most lofts, sweeps (1 and 2), pipes, sum surfaces, extrusions, revolutions are also giving untrimmed surfaces, but when the input curves have discontinuities they might give polysurfaces (breps containing many surfaces).

Patches and planar surfaces and Boolean solid operations are returning trimmed surfaces. Surfaces having more than 4 discontinuous vertices need in general to be trimmed.
I hope this is helpful.

- Giulio
hey giulio,
i have made surfaces using surface 4 points in my problem.. i reparameterized it as well..still it gives trimmed surface.. how can i go ahead with it?


when i tried surface from points, i have 3 points, i dont know what values i should be putting in 'u' and 'i' of the component
Hi again Tushar,

yes, if "4Pts surface" only receives 3 points it constructs a trimmed surface. You can use surface from point grid with 4 points, where two of them are coincident, to obtain an untrimmed triangular NURBS surface. However, please notice that the parametrization will be small in the area of the two coincident vertices.

I'm attaching a very simple example (Gh 0.6.0059)

I hope this is helpful,
- Giulio
McNeel Europe, Barcelona
Hi Tushar, could you please draw a small sketch of what mapping you would want to achieve? I think I do not understand.

- Giulio
The picture says it all... look at your 'D' input...its empty. You must close the triangle with the point you began in order to make it 'untrimmed'
thanks a lot guys,
didnt know abt it.. good to know this..






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