
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi Nathan,

I am trying to query the genome database, how can I query multiple genes?? I am only able to query gene0, and getting an undefined gene1 or 2 exception,

and how do I create this grid of queries?? and how can I bake them to real Rhino geometries?

p.s: I am using the same naming used in the tutorials for the database name and table/column names

attached a print screen of that section of the definition

your help is appreciated,


Views: 332


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To query multiple columns, you enter the columns you want separated by a comma...

For example (in the Select input)

  • gene0, gene1, ....

When you are returning multiple columns, you can specify which column you want for the CResult, or use QResult to get the full result which are columns separated by columns.

All the system is doing right now is storing the recorded values.  No 3D info is being captured.  To get a 'grid of results' in your model, you need to create your own Grasshopper definition which...

  1. creates instances of your original model on a grid
  2. coordinates the data results with each instance.


Thanks Nathan,

Last question!!!

I was able to create the grid of initial geometry but how to coordinate the data result with instances?? is there any definition/screenshot or guidelines of this step of the 'grid of results creation'???

I am new to GH and Slingshot and trying to use both in my research....








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