Not sure a succinct and accurate discussion title was achieved...
Originally I took a grid of points and used a function to affect vector lengths based on distance from 3 points and fed these vectors back into a line-SDL in the z direction from the original points to get a wavy field of points. Then I sorted this list into a bunch of tree branches (thanks to some help from David R and other generous folks) and drew an interpolate curve through them so I could eventually loft them. (Maybe Surface from Grid of Points would also work in this situation, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly). See file: WaveField_01.jpg
This approach affects all the points in the grid, so my next step was to isolate smaller subsets of points to have the wave affect in localized areas, which I was able to do. I used the inverse of this affect to get all the points that were not in these subsets. Then I ran the subsets through the vector manipulation functions, drew my lines again, got the endpoints of these lines, and then attempted to insert those manipulated subset points back into the inverse set to reconstitute my gird of points. I (attempted to) do this using the weave component and the boolean pattern that pulled them out in the first place. Then when I create branches and run Interpolate Curve through them it's clear that something has gone amiss. See file: WaveField_02.jpg
I am perplexed as how to fix this or get them back into the right order. Any thoughts? Ideas?
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