
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm trying to make this frit pattern work:

In essence, it's been created by making a large grid, and editting the shape into a diamond using a BRep Inclusion (Inside) function. The radii are defined by distance to points. 

I'm currently trying to divide frit of a radius larger than 50mm (highlighted in red) into an array of smaller, unitized circles. I'm attempting to do this by setting up a new, smaller square grid, and using these boundaries I've isolated from Dispatch, using an Inside. It's not working, and I think it's due to the mechanic of the In function. I looked up the issue on the discussion and I saw that "Path Mapper" may work, but I'm having some trouble figuring out how to do it for this complex a problem. 

Is there a way to have "Inside" check for single inclusion of multiple points in multiple boundaries? Or am I simply approaching the problem from a completely incorrect position? 

I would post a file but the GH is super messy (it's not all mine) 

Thanks in advance. 


Views: 2783

Replies to This Discussion

Hello, could you send me your definition this dot pattern?


Thank you so much







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