
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I'm working on a hexagonal grid applied to a surface. The grid is then deformed by a number of point attractors.

I've managed to create a definition, combining various elements I've found online, to create a basic version of what I'm trying to do.

My two issues are:

- the definition I'm using has currently only two attractors. How would I go about adding more? I need 8 attractor points in all accross the grid.

- secondly, how do I get the hexagonal grid to 'stick' to the outlines of the surface? Right now, the attractor points are deforming it in such a way that the edge vertice are being pulled away. I need some way of having those edge geometries stick while the other vertice are deformed - the grid should always maintain it's initail square outline, only the internal grid lines are deformed.

I've attached the Rhino and Grasshopper files I'm working with.
I apologise if my questions are very basic, I'm new to Grasshopper and would appreciate any advice and help (hopefully in simple terms I can understand).

Thanks very much,


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Hi again,
So I've managed to resolve the issue with the grid edges being deformed - I'm taking a slightly different approach in how I design it - but I still haven't been able to imput additional attractor points without totally screwing up the grid (attached images). I've tried various methods but can't seem to get it to work. If anyone has any ideas that would be really great, I need it for a project due in less than 4 days.


try the closest point component. Input the grid list and the list of attractor points.

Try our Hexagonal field GH definition at :






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