
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm curious if there is a quick and easy way to do something like the attached image.

Thanks in advance.

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i guess that's a nopey. ;-)
I've got nothing. Nothing at all.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
I had a real good go at this, but only managed half the effect needed I'm not back into work till tomorrow (GMT+1) but I could show you where I got to. What was the end result to be used for?
thanks Danny, I'll give you some more info later tonight.
This is where I got as far as:

The end result is a delaunay edges component with some culling of the edges greater than 1. I'm sure the same theory can be applied to a mesh to get a surface, But I'm not sure how to get the boundary out or if it's possible.
you could probably approximate something like this with the 2d convex hull. but you would have to generate points that represent the objects.
Not exactly the thing you want and only a sketch of a solution, but here's my contribution to the brainstorm, maybe someone can pick it up from there...
So here's my next attempt:

Though again - it's not exactly what you wanted - the bounding curve will "jump the gaps" with concave or flat curves only... so you won't get the effect shown on the bottom of your image.
I've been working on a method - it's not working as well as the ones below but maybe the different approach can spark some new ideas...

basically i throw a bounding box around the input curves, draw lines radiating out from the centroid, pick the furthest point along each line & connect 'em. Just a quick sketch.
here's a slightly better version.....
thanks to everyone for the help and some definitions too.

i'm hoping that this will solve a major flaw in a definition i made to create a planking effect on the curves.

thanks again, and please by all means, keep the ideas flowing. This next definition I make will be the 7th version and everyone of them have been done differently to try and compensate for a few hiccups that I can't figure out why they are failing.
here's another idea - based on rotating bounding boxes.

you can see what the problem is.... it would be great if we could get this working as a kind of 'shrink-wrap' definition........






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