
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm having trouble lofting two sets of curves. 

Both lists are the same length (120 curves). 

However, when I simply plug them into a loft command the order seems to be rearranged. 

Only works when I use the list item command and loft them independently. 

I was hopping there was a better way as 120 lofts take some time. 

Views: 606


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Just pass each of the flattened lists from the wbFacePolys to a graft component before lofting and you're sorted. 

- Dave

Thanks, David

You might have to "flip matrix" as well.  I could be wrong, but it looks like the items in the outer list are lofted together, instead of lofting the corresponding index numbers from each list.

No need, the graft component did the job

also note, you dont need graft, flatten, reverse, or simplify components in a lot of cases, you can just right click an out or input and set it to graft, or flatten, ect.






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