
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi every one,

I 've a small problem that I didn't sucess to solve (even after hour of search ;) )

I have a list of number (for example from 9 000 to 10 000).

And I would like to transform it (for example from 1 to 10)

It mean 9 000 transform in 1

9 500 transform in 5.5

10 000 transform in 10.

etc etc...

These number are generic (it can be from 587 to 629).

I start to try with functions, but I didn't find.

I aslo didn't find grasshopper tool for that...

So If any body have an answer, or an idea...

Thanks a lot!

Views: 2215

Replies to This Discussion

Try the REMAP function in GH.


remap is the correct component, also see the bounds component (in purple in the screen shot) it will output the min and max of a domain, useful for not having to manually input it.

Thanks a lot! You are awesome !






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