Dose anyone else get an "format module unable to parse file" when trying to open the slider animation created bitmap images. I am able to compile them into an animation using Quicktime pro, but I can't open the images directly in photoshop or after effects.
I can open them with paint and can see them in windows previewer. I tried renaming the extension to jpeg and mario recommended, but still couldn't open them with Photoshop, illustrator, In-Design, After effects, or preview them in Adobe Bridge, I don't have premier so wasn't able to replicate Mario's fix. But if I open them in paint and then save them as a .jpeg or even again as .bmp, then they open fine in Adobe.
Yes - I have always had this problem as well. It holds for the mac versions of the creative suite programs as well - but all other image software seems to be able to open them without problem.
Well, since everything seems to open the images fine except for Adobe software, and since I'm using Windows API functions to save the images, I'm not really sure what I can do about it. I think you need to complain to Adobe.
Alternatively, save the images as png rather than bmp, that probably works better.
Thanks David,
I tried saving the animations as jpeg and png and they open in Adobe software. I didn't realize I could simply change these extension in the slider interface otherwise I would have just given up on the bitmap.
Hey Jeff....sorry ...i was not clear...
i was refering to the animation slider option.
You can change the extension from bmp to jpeg....that works for me.