
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I must be missing something obvious here, but I'm stumped:

I want to create a fairly simple tree structure with six branches, each of which may or may not contain any data.

For instance, I have 6 curve parameters, each of which contains zero to many curves. I want to combine them into a tree with 6 branches, each branch containing the curves in one of the parameters (or remaining empty -- but present -- if the param is empty).

I naively assumed that just "shift-dragging" into one parameter would do that, but of course null (empty) items are ignored. I plowed through a wealth of tree components, but can't seem to get anything to work.

What am I missing?


Views: 3707

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Does this help?

Thanks Chris, that helps enormously. In fact, I left out the Nulls, and it still makes a tree structure, with empty branches Perfect! (I admit that I had eyed the Entwine component, but didn't try it...D'oh!

Thanks again.

Another idea, always add a line segment first to every branch, then afterwards remove the first item in every branch. Not ideal I'll admit, but it might work.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks, David. So far Entwine seems to do what I need, but I'll keep this trick in my back pocket.

Incidentally, the bigger picture is this: I have a big nasty grasshopper patch (see screen shot) that has 6 copies of 2 big functional groups, and that makes it very hard to change and maintain. I'm hoping to use tree structures to manage the data flow instead, and have only one copy each of the functional groups.

With correct data management this not necessary. Are you able to post the definition or email? 

Exactly, Danny: I'm hoping to insert a little "correct data management" to make this beast easier to maintain in the future. I don't want to post the whole thing, but if I have trouble with data management, rest assured I'll be back here asking questions...

Of course. I've sent you a friend request with my email address if you wish.






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