
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

BrepExplode & Evaluate Surface don't seem to work like they should.  I'm trying to pinpoint a certain surface face on a larger surface with brep explode and item list.  But when I connect Evaluate Surface to the F plug on the BrepExplode component 'evaluate surface' component evaluates points on the whole larger surface not just the specified face.  I'm following a tutorial by Arturo Tedeshi 'Paramatetric Architecture' and it seems I'm doing everything right. Any ideas whats wrong?

Thank you

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O yea and here is a screenshot of the definition

plug f of brep components into list item, call out the face. then plug list item into eval surface. By plugging f dorectly to eval you are evaluating all the faces.

yea it's still not working.  all the items in the list are indexed with 0 and as I move the MD slider around the point still moves along the whole surface.  Basically what I'm trying to do is connect four points of each face to a normal vector in the middle of each face generating a space frame. The trouble is that I can only obtain one point/normal along the whole surface instead of a point for each face.  Any thoughts?

right click s of eval surface and reparameterize.

oh geez thats it! that did it. i totally forgot to check that. thanks a lot!






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