
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

perhaps is a basic question,

i tried to find the explanation but i can´t.

what is the explanation of the plane rotation using PFrames component?

why the normal plane rotates relative to the osculator plane.


Views: 6784

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Hi TheChoosenOne,

I'm sorry but in your last two posts I cannot see an explanation as to what it is that causes the planes in the PFrames component to orientate the way they do.

I think what Paco G was looking for (and now I'm intrigued too) is by what method (mathematically, geometrically, ????) is the plane rotated about the curve at a given location.

Not what can be done with the planes rotated in this way but why they are rotated in this way.

This algorithm is similar to the orientation of the principle of drive shaft or a flexible shaft. But as his re-create, I do not know.






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