
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David, hi all,

I'd like to share an idea for a new special parameter component - the rotating knob:

It could be useful for controling angle/circle/cycle related data/geometry.

I imagine it would have the following settings:

start - value at "0:00" (default = 0)
end - value at "12:00" (default = 1 or 2Pi)
min - minimum possible value (default = start)
max - maximum possible value (default = end)
loopcount - boolean (default = false)
infinite - boolean (default = false), if true then min & max obsolete
+ the usual slider settings (rounding, digits...)

example usages:

a) potentiometer
start=0, end=1023, min=0, max=1023, loopcount=false, infinite=false
same as typical slider, but with circular motion

b) crank/winch
start=0, end=2Pi, min=0, max=N*2Pi, loopcount=true, inifinte=false
intuitive control over "winding" count

c) spinning wheel
start=0, end=2Pi, min=null, max=null, loopcount=false, infinite=true
useful for continuous (no stopping on the end-start seam) angle picking

What do you think?

Views: 3491

Replies to This Discussion

No "Expression" on the Knob, like the slider?

Does the Knob's 'Display" feature ('{0}') make it possible for a knob to show only values from 0..359, no matter how many times it is turned either direction?

got it.

Hi David,

Thank you for developing this rotating knob for Grasshopper v0.9, it's very useful.

As for the user interface, I have some more requests for future versions:

a) "initial starting angle" of arrow on rotating knob (0 - 360 degrees)

b) "rotation direction" (clockwise vs anti-clockwise)

Best regards.






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