
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hey guys,

i have tried to combine this ->

with this ->

but to no avail... anyone can help? i need it desperately for my final thesis and i wouldn't want to switch programs just for that...

here's the scene file. can anyone point me what am i doing wrong?

thank you very much :)

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Hi Jonathan,

I haven't looked at your definition yet, but if you're wishing to sweep lots of profile curves over string (or centre) line definitions, I'm about to post a blog entry showing how to do this efficiently and effectively in Grasshopper (with an integration call to my StructDrawRhino plug-in commands) using any combination of library catalogue sections profiles, standard shapes and user defined profiles. Take a look at later today for sample files to demonstrate it. Hopefully it might help you out.


hey johanthan
i can't download your file
windows tells me is damaged....
sorry, don't know wha happened. here's another link for you ->
thanx, i already knew about that. the problem is that i needed a custom profile to be swept along the curves... at first it seemed an easy task, but i got disappointed very quickly when i saw that i wasn't able to make a sweep with a simple profile such as the one in the sample file i have provided... that's why i was wondering what i am doing wrong.

P.S... i forgot to mention that i'm a newbie and i'm not that familiar with all the grasshopper functions, and although i have tried to do my best to understand what different components do, from the help provided in the right click menu.
The sweep component is unlikely to have been set to handle closed polyline curves that will require mitres at disjoint locations. And if you're rail curve is not planar (which is where I suspect you're not seeing no results), it might not produce a result at all.

I'm not sure exactly what you require/desire from this. If I manually explode the cell curve network so that I get simple lines, and then use SelDup to strip out all duplicate curves, and plug that into your definition input, it seems to work fine. Are the duplicate internal members desired? Individual curves won't give a mitre "joint" around corners with simple curves. If the network is also parametric, I assume the explosion and duplicate stripping can be done in your grasshopper definition.

I posted an example of the London Olympic Stadium to which I hope might be a more effective/efficient means of creating the swept profiles in Grasshopper. I'm happy to give you assistance in getting started if you wish to implement that approach. It can also take inputs of orientation and custom profiles.






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