
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Using Custom Classes as Input Parameters to a GH Component



has anyone managed to use thir own custom class as an output parameter to a GH component?


I cant seem to do it and GH hangs after the pManage.Regsiter.Param method is called. Im running



Some psuedo code to get the ball rolling;


Namespace MyLibrary

Class MyClass

Inherits Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Goo

End Class

End Namespace


Now in the RegisterOutputParams sub.......................


Protected Overrides Sub RegisterOutputParams(ByVal pManager As GH_OutputParamManager)

Dim ghMyClassParameter As Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_Param(Of MyLibrary.MyClass)

pManager.RegisterParam(ghMyClassParameter, "MyClasses", "MC_P", "MyClass Output Parameters")

End Sub


It fails after execution of the regsiterparam method, i note that ghMyClassParameter has a value of null and have unsuccessfully tried casting from a new instance, say:


Dim myClass As New MyLibrary.MyClass



I still get a null instance for ghMyClassParameter











Views: 2650

Replies to This Discussion

Thanks, David. I'm excited to see the new help file. My current work-around is placing the surfaces in a data tree whose paths contain other information (all integers, of course). It's functional for the moment, but limited and hardly elegant.... a good data type will be much, much better.

David et al.,

Just following up on this now.  Quick question:  I've made a data type, and now I'm trying to make a parameter for it.  After deriving from GH_Param(Of MyType), what is the constructor supposed to look like?

Public Class MyParam
    Inherits GH_Param(Of MyType)

    ' Constructor
    Public Sub New()
    End Sub


End Class

(The SDK shows an example deriving from GH_PersistentParam, but my type is not serializable.)



The constructor for a class that derives from GH_Param(Of T) needs to call the base class constructor with a GH_InstanceDescription. Like so:

Public Sub New()

  MyBase.New(New GH_InstanceDescription("MyType", "MT", "A parameter for MyType", "Params", "Primitive")

End Sub

Basically it defines what your parameter is called when you create a standalone version of it and where on the tabs it appears.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia






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