
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Where Can I find the Barend Hemmes wooden laser cut waffled light bulb grasshopper factory?

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I want to recreate this (see below) for a project, I have the grasshopper program but I need a factory for this or any other tips where I can generate this, I have 2 days to do it. It seems fairly easy. Well, please help.



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uhhh Dude you're sick, that's awesome, how are you doing it, with grashopper or just plain old Rhino? I'm going to have to replicate this. The parts have to fit  a 18" x 32" laser cutter.

it's Grasshopper, you will be able to adjust the number of vertical and around ribs, and now it remaps around ribs, just a few more minutes and it'll be ready


Nice, looks like you've got it covered.

It would appear so listen, thank you so much for your help, I really don't know how this kind of thing works, this colloboration and sharing of information but if there's any way I can thank you for your help let me know. Much appreciated Brian.  

ready, this is what i got, just one problem, my definition is a mess and for what i read you don't really work with Grasshopper, there's 2 options, one: you give me the dimensions of the lamp you need and i make it. two: you wait till i order a little the definition so that you can use it


I see, I see, yeah I'm vaguely familiar with it but the lamp should be 2 feet in length and 1-1.5 feet in diameter and top. I have to laser cut the pieces so they have to fit a 18" by 32" laser cutter cutting area.

If you don't mind ordering the Grasshopper definition also, I would like it for future use as well. Thanks so much I really appreciate it.

The smallest doesn't have to be specific, but the top is 1 foot. And the length is 2 feet. I'll be working w chp and then wood I don't know if the the thickness matters?

2 feet tall? 1.5 feet largest diameter? and smallest diameter? i mean at the top?

Make that 1 foot at widest. 2 foot length. Smallest your discretion.

Technical problems, GH is frozen and I did not save the definition, i'm waiting to see if it responds, if not i will rebuild it and i would have it ready for tomorrow morning, is it ok?

Thank you. I really look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. I really really appreciate it.

you're welcome. before i forget it, thickness material? in millimeters please






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