
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

I'm trying to map an Image onto a surface and I can't seem to get it right. The definition looks the same as others I have seen and I made the U and V values of the Divide Surface equal to the X and Y values of the Image. The image sample is also directly proportionate to the surface.


The image is Grayscale and I have interpolate checked, as you can see below.


Please help ASAP!






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Because your surface is in the XZ plane the points that you are sending to the image sampler all have Y = 0. The Image sampler will decompose a 3D point into a 2D co-ordinate by taking only the X and Y values. Essentially you only have the same row repeating over and over and therefore all of you boxes are the same.


To rectify this try using the UV out put of the SDivide component instead. you might find more consistent results if you Reparameterise the Input to SDivide.S (Right click on the input to get the option from the context menu). Also you will need to change the domain back to 0 to 1 in the image sampler. 

I didn't realize the Image Sampler wouldn't react to the plane that I had the surface it to work, thanks!






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