
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

How to set up multiple attractor points for a grid of lines & endpoints?

Finally figured out how to set up an attractor point.  Now I'm having difficulty setting up more than one; I'd like to set up 6 attractor points to surround my grid of lines and endpoints and for them to all have equal pull.  I'm having trouble with the second one already; it is increasing the size of one of the lines and not applying to all of the lines.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!  I've attached what I have so far as a rhino file and a ghx file. 

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Plug the results of the 2 attractors into a max component. 2 at a time, and keep maxing results for as many attractors you have. than plug the final max into the movement of your grid.

Thanks a ton Michael!  It worked perfectly!







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