
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

After dissecting my VB.NET code for a few hours I concluded that my scrambled color problem lay elsewhere, and began checking my data order using the Point Order component, step by step.

I discovered that for some reason, the Surface from Edge Crv component scrambles the data order when fed with a Polygon component, but not with other components. See attached patch.

I hope we can fix this soon! I desperately need my data order intact for a current project.


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I don't think "sample and example files" is an appropriate category to post a bug report :P
You are referring to the planar surface component, right?. The sdk function returns the same unordered output so i guess this behavior is not grasshopper's fault but rhino's. I don't know if there's a good reason for it.
If you feed individual items instead of a list, it will retain the correct order. To do this place a 'graft tree' component just before the planar surface component, then flatten the output of the planar surface component.
This is exactly why I suggested creating a files category for bug reports and problem files... did I miss something? Is there a more appropriate category to post in?

Incidentally, I did already use the Graft method, but unfortunately, this is a very large definition and the processing power for the grafted version seems to be exponential compared to the non-grafted version. Like Grasshopper hangs for 3 minutes instead of 10 seconds when recalculating the definition. Furthermore, having to use the graft component means that any useful tree data upstream is destroyed and must be reconsituted, requiring yet another workaround.

Anyway, if it is a problem in the SDK then I guess I'll have to work with it. But I do find it curious that the list order is retained when fed with other volatile geometry, but is only scrambled when fed with the Polygon component. Anyway...

I agree a new category could be created for bug reports. Maybe bug reports and wishes combined. Not this category don't want beginners to try out things that aren't working.

If you don't want to deal with paths, in your case you can use a component with the following code:

Dim crv(0) As oncurve
crv(0) = x
Dim brep(0) As onbrep
rhutil.RhinoMakePlanarBreps(crv, brep)
a = brep(0)

Input in 'x' the list of curves.






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