
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am missing the full set of mesh components when I use GH 8*052 in Rhino 5. Sk01 shows the correct full set of mesh components when in Rhino 4, Sk02 shows the missing components. Im runnign same version of GH.


Is this intentional?



Views: 908


Replies to This Discussion

looks like you are missing UTO's mesh edit tools?

Do you have Obscure components visible in one and not the other? 

Is Rhino5 loading Grasshopper from the same location as Rhino4?

Can you click on the little black icon in the upper left corner of the banner and post a screenshot of which libraries are loaded?



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hey guys,


sorry Lusi you are right. I had assumed that all cutom components were stored in their own custom tab on the menu bar. Utos tools are isntalled in the same tab as the default Grasshopper tabs, hence i missed this




yes you are right, clicking the black orner showed me that the mesh edit compoeent by uto was not loaded. I had not copied the custom components folder to my rhino 5 grasshopper plug in folder. I have done this and reinstalled GH but it is still not loading any of the custom components such as UTO's mesh edit or weaverbird



Hi Duck,


Rhino v5 seems to respect some windows security settings more stringently than v4.  Have you right clicked on the .gha files in windows explorer and clicked on the unblock button?  Do you see error messages when Grasshopper starts?  Plugins that have used an installer don't suffer from this symptom, only those where the file is directly downloaded.


Hope it helps,



Good man. This works but with a small caveat if using Rhino 5 as it appears grasshopper looks for different folders for custom components when running rhino 4 or 5.

You have to make sure the components havebeen saved to C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Grasshopper\Libraries.

As you said, you also have to make sure the .fha assemblies are unblocked.




I guess you must have reasons for running grasshopper from different folders.  Personally I load into v5 (64 and 32 bit) Grasshopper and plugins such as my own from the v4 folder, it's a simple drag and drop of the .rhp files if it doesn't load automatically.  To me much simpler than maintaining duplicates when updating etc.


Glad the unblocking helped.






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