
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

is there anyway to parametrize a number slider? for e.g. what should i do if i want to add a number as min , and another for max value of number slider? so i can have a number slider with variable range . someone help me please

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right click the slider, set the minimum and maximum number.

i know that , i mean something else i want to add min and max of the slider as 2 input channel, so i can change them automatically during a process, not just by hand


use the minimum and maximum components.

ok , there is a big misunderstanding , is there a way to have a number slider which has dynamic inputs? (linking a number to it , as its input)

I don't believe so, but you can rig it with min and max components, say if you dont want to go below 5 or above 10, even if your slider number goes below the data will not, essentially the same thing.

no , i know the capability of number slider , but it's not what i exactly want.

imagine you want to slide a point , between to point (along a line) .

in usual you can do that with a simple slider (adding slider value to the x or y value of point 1). so what if in a cyclic process the points p1 and p2 change ?

ok? that's why i need to dynamically change the slider min and max

I still dont understand, in the case you just list I would use evaluate curve component, instead of x,y values. I would reparameterize the curve so that its domain was always 0-1 so no matter the distance between points the start is always 0 and the end is always 1, and everything in between

Take a look at the Remap component.

Yup, you'll want the Remap component. Create a domain using the min and max inputs, then feed that into your target domain in the remap component. I usually then use a number slider with the defaults from 0 to 1 to be the V, which will go through your full span of min and max values.

There should be a way to feed a minimum and maximum value into a slider. While the remap example works fine, it would reduce component numbers from 4 to 1.

While it may be easy to make the range of a slider parametric/variable, how would GH determine what the new value of the slider should be if the current value ends up falling outside the new range?







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