
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i have a super easy question:

I have a surface and subdivide it x,y times. I want to select every other row of the subdivided surfaces. I've trying culling but a simple true false creates and checkerboard pattern. how do i go about doing this?

thanks for the help

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Dont flatten the Cull input, use Flip matrix to get columns if needed.

yes it works if I divide surface but I'm doing an isotrim because later i'd like to be able to select the faces and edges, etc.

Maybe I'm not getting the problem, but wouldn't you simply change your U or V value to "1" so that you just get strips? And then on those sub surfaces, you could divide into smaller patches using the divide surface again?


Or, even easier, you could cull the branches rather than the items in the branch. That is, use the output of the param viewer to select every other branch and then cull those branches.

Ah sorry, this by example so :

Thank you both!





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