
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Forum.

Made a Delaunay Mesh with Pts.

Trying to identify pts which define the perimeter.  

Any leads would help..

Respectfully yours,  OK 


Views: 1126

Replies to This Discussion

The easiest way is to download [uto]'s Mesh Analysis Utilities from here:

and use the Naked Mesh Edge component.

I think I'm going crazy, or this forum is buggy (probably the former).

This message was posted like 5 hours ago but I just checked the thread replies 3 minutes ago before replying myself and I can swear all were about Convex Hull.

Hi Ognek,


have you tried the Convex Hull component next to Delaunay? It should give you those points.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

If it doesn't what am I doing wrong?

Try getting the naked vertices of the resulting mesh.


Kangaroo has a component for this. If you don't have it installed, just connect the mesh to the x input of a VB component and insert this code:

  a = x.GetNakedEdgePointStatus


It will output a list of boolean values you can use together with a cull component to filter out the vertices in the border.






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