
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Is it possible to change the order in which Grasshopper references geometry?

When multiple geometries from Rhino are referenced (or set) in Grasshopper using (corner to corner selection), it seems like the order of items is set by the chronology of the modification of a single geometry. For example say you create an array of points and reference them in GH, the original point will be last on the list and last of the array first. Say you then move any point and reference them again, the one moved will be the first and the rest will follow in order of modification.


Of course, you can also select multiple geometries one by one and reference them in GH in the order of your choice. But does GH use some kind of timestamp on the geometry to sort them, and would it be possible to use eg. the original creation time of the geometry (or any property for that matter), rather than the time when the geometry was modified?


Views: 10145

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Actually... if it were a component, it would look something like this (illustrated by the yellow panel)


Merge basically does this already.

but I think maybe adding a visual type manager to merge component could be convenient.

i probably need to show a clearer example of when this would be of benefit.






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