
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

sorry, this should actually be easy (for you):

i am trying to divide some curves in the same rhythm but i only get the division on one of the curves. how do i divide all of them identically?

(please see attached image)

thank you!

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I would graft the other input.


Edit: By the smallest chance that you are not aware the graft function can be found on the context menu of the input and is indicated by the up arrow.

thank you!

i had to flatten it instead to make it working.

Which one? the curves or the t parameters?
yes, the values (rhythm) on the t parameter

Ah this might be a bug. I meant to have a flat list of curves with a grafted list of t parameters.

The list of t's in your first example was already a flat list so I wouldn't have thought that you needed to flatten it again. However, the flat list of t's does reside on the branch that starts {0;0;...} so GH might only be applying it to the curve on branch {0;0}


I've posted a Errors, Bugs and Oversights thread to find out more.






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